Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Bribery and the Shopping Cart

Rushing down the cereal aisle Seth comes to the end of his patience....." Mooommmmm...I want some ..........!!!" Crying and squirming he begins to get louder and louder. He starts to crawl out of the cart. You begin to go faster and faster throwing things in as quick as you can. With one hand filling the cart and one trying to pin the boy down.. mom says in desperation, "Seth want some crackers? some candy? a drink?"
She tears open the chips and he is quiet until they are gone..It starts again...and on and on it goes.

You can see it right?

This IS A TRAP. Mom don't fall into are training your child in behavior that should not be acceptable.

Remember " Nip it in the bud."? Well read it again cause this is where you need to use it!

Communicate with Seth BEFORE you even get in the car. I found that it worked best if I talked about it a number of times before we went out.

"Sethy, this afternoon, after your nap, we are going to go shopping. I am going to buy you a treat FOR THE WAY HOME. If you are a good boy and don't ask for anything and behave yourself while we shop. If we have any problems you will not get a treat. " **

Now Mom you need to mean what you say....please dont say it and then give the treat. You want to affirm good behavior not bad. There is no such thing as a little bad... He either is or he isn't.

This format will work for just about any situation. Communication is key. Our children need to know what's going on and what's expected of them. Keep it simple and don't push them past their ability. If they are tired don't go..wait till your husband gets home or go after the nap.

Take control of the grocery shopping will be glad that you did (and so will all the other shoppers as well)


** Give Seth a few things to pick from for a treat. A lollipop, gum, pack of M&Ms. Keep it simple and small. You can even talk about it while you are doing your shopping.

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