What am I referring to:
The amount of time what our children are mesmerized by the television, video games and or the computer.
Parents ~ We are losing our children!
They do not even know how to play anymore. Their imaginations have dried up and blown away because of lack of use. If you would suggest they play outside etc you are met with whining, crying, arguing etc etc.
Truly the story is accurate that when my generation were kids we PLAYED. with each other or even by ourselves. We raced, built forts, played ball, even if it were throwing the ball onto the roof and catching it when it rolled back.! How about marbles, jump rope? How is it that those games, Jax for instance, would keep us busy for an afternoon.
SO if you have a couch potato on your hands, if Susie cannot be pried off of her computer and Seth from his hand held games IT'S TIME!
Take control and begin to break the habit now! Pull out the board games, get a story on CD or better yet read to each other. There are some GREAT card games, solitaire, Phase 10, Flinch, Uno, Skipbo etc etc.
I fully realize that "they" will now be "underfoot", but only for a while until they learn how to play again. Please parents help them. Provide them with the things they need. Cards are much cheaper than a video game.
The ball is in YOUR court. What are you going to do? Raising children is full time and active. Get your hands on these kids and see what happens!
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