Monday, November 14, 2011


Sometimes the actions of our children just "slam" us.  They take us by surprise and we lose our breath and are shook to the core.  Perhaps your child has stolen, bullied, defaced someones property or done something sexual and right in the middle of "life as usual" you are stopped with the realization that you have a problem on your hands.  It takes the wind out of your sail and you hardly know what to do.

First, I want to suggest you  to really consider the age of the child.  We, as adults, want to believe that no matter how young or old our child is  that they MUST KNOW BETTER!   We spin because we don't know what to do or where to turn.   Be careful of your immediate reaction.   Breath and talk with your spouse or trusted friend or counselor.   You need to process and you also need to do some digging of your own to see where the breakdown started.  

As parents many times our guard can be down and it is only when a situation happens that we are jerked back to reality.  Whether it is our child's friends or their computer usage, television or involvement on the bus and at school we must not overlook the situation.

I beg you to follow it through until the end.  Don't just go on your way once the dust has settled.  Don't crucify your child especially if he/she is younger.  Take the time and make the effort to get to the bottom of the issue.  Our children go out into the world every day and stuff flies at them from every direction.

I listened to /saw 2 situations just this week.  one was from a concerned parent and the other a post on facebook  : have you ever hurt so bad over a child that you can't breathe?  

Friends  it goes with having children.  So don't take it out on

 each other, the dog or the other children.  Just pray and get

 to the  bottom of the problem.  Work it through just as long

 as you need to .  It is a learning curve for all the parties

 concerned.  Nothing is new under the sun and this too shall

 pass.  But before it does let "it"do its work on you and yours

 so that wisdom and learning will come and benefit the future

 of all the concerned.

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