Monday, January 2, 2012


A Reader writes:

 I'm looking for some advice for the new year! It's so sad, but today I am happy to be back to work. I could not stand another day home with my children! The 5 year old is sassy, disrespectful, argumentative with EVERYTHING I say, bossy and bratty. The 4 year old is whiny, sassy and disobedient. I've hit my top levels of dealing with it. Something has to change. It's probably me. But I don't know the how and what right now because I'm so frustrated I'm ready to blow!

Wow parents it's amazing isn't it that the little guys truly have the ability to put us over the edge.  Now I will tell you I read some entries from this specific mom and saw that there were many good spots in her holiday.  She took the boys places, made things with them, did special projects, went all out for Christmas but alas look how it ended..... Her, feeling used and abused and ready to run away!
What happened?
Well, my first guess would be that in all the hub bub of making sure the kids had a great Christmas season, poor behaviors were overlooked.  Maybe there was so much going on with fun activities and such that the boys were too busy to misbehave.  What ever the case....

sassy , disrespectful, argumentative, bossy, bratty, disobedient, whiny   
 I would want to run away as well!   (Pity the poor teachers and day care workers who have to pick up the pieces, deal with the behaviors and exhaustion etc.  Be kind to them)
Well, it is a new year ~ A new day ~ A new beginning.  
*Draw the line one more time.  
*Make the boundaries clear.  
*Schedule a family meeting and discuss all that you are going to work on.   
*Decide on the consequences and awards. 

Put your foot down and keep it there!  
Don't put up with it any longer!   The ball IS in your court!  Play it the way you want it to go.  It IS your responsibility!  

If you want specifics I am willing to chat .  I know that you can pull it back together, and you must ~  for the sake of us all!


"boys come to the table...
I need to ask your forgiveness.  I am very disappointed in some behaviors that I have been seeing.  I am sorry that I let you carry on like that.  I am not going to allow this behavior any more"
*give examples of what went on....
*talk about what should have been done , how the behavior should          have looked
*map out the  consequences for the coming days.    

I personally would have the boys serve a punishment for what had been going on...perhaps early bed that night.  Be creative but firm.  The punishment needs to be enough that they do not want to serve it again

Again Blessings on you all!

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