Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Word on Twins.

Now I have never mothered twins, but I do have a couple cautions that I would like to share with the parents or relatives of twins.

1.   The children are different!   They may look very much alike BUT they have their very own personalities, quirks and issues.   Please treat them individually.

2.  When one does something the other one does not have to follow suit.  Please treat your children as singular people.  Do not double them up on everything.    If one plays the piano  don't insist that the other one do the same. If one goes to play at a friend's house don't insist that the other be invited as well.  

3. Birthdays and Gift giving time.  
Make it individual again!   PLEASE don't get them each the very same toys, clothing, books etc etc etc.  Let them learn.  Let them have the experience of seeing their twin get something different than they.  Let them have their won identity, choices and friends.

Dress them alike for a while, if you desire, but even that I would not carry far into their child hood.  Again treat them as individuals.  It will not take away from their special bond but will help them to become their own personality.!

Just my opinion!

Friends....I would LOVE to come to your home to speak about parenting issues.  If you would gather some of your friends, with children close to the same age as yours, I would count it a privilege to spend time with you listening and talking thru any and  all parenting issues.  Also, if you would prefer I would be more than welcome to open up Gilead's Balm for your get together so you could leave your little ones at home with a sitter or Dad and have a night out.  Just email me at

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