Sunday, October 2, 2011

A reader writes: "my seven year old will call me stupid, idiot and or fat at will.  His
anger can escalate in an instant over nothing.  What is going on?  This has been 
a problem since spring.  BTW he behaves wonderful in public."

Well first things first.
Thank God He behaves in public!!!!
That saves some of the embarrassment!

Because I have never been around this child or his family I can only give "basic" counsel. 
I see that he has lived to be 7, making me believe he has not  always been this way. (smile)
First I would make sure that the mom does not feel these words describe her in any fashion.
If there is even a twinge of truth here I want to remind her that she is the child's MOM and
there is NEVER any reason for this type of disrespect to come from a child.. on ANY level.

I would also ask where the dad is in the  scenario.  I would hope involved.  If the child does  it when  the dad is not present the mom should speak to her husband about it and have him
come in on the discipline.  Children need to be taught to respect and it goes much
easier if both parents are on the same page. 

Some day soon take this young man aside to talk.  Go for a  walk or a ride together so that you will have his undivided attention.  This needs to be done when everything is calm,
maybe even over a treat of some kind.

When you are alone with him tell him you have been very bothered by his behavior,  speak
about recent scenes and or behaviors that have been unacceptable.

Talk  to him about respect. Find a good book at the library on the subject.  
After you know that he understands what you are talking about let him know that he is 
not going to be allowed to speak that way or act that way  anymore.  Let him know firmly 
and clearly what the consequences will be if he continues. 
 He may have a game or favorite show that can be subtracted from his life or perhaps an 
earlier bedtime would get his attention  or even a chore that he must do.  But whatever  it 
is it needs to be something that will make an impact..(Don't send him to his room full of

At 7 years old he is still testing boundaries.  If he is in the public school system there is a 
chance  he is hearing alot that he may not have seen or heard at home.  

Take care of it fast.  Clamp down hard.  I just pray that you and your husband will stand 
firmly together to guide this young man in the way that he should go.  
I am willing to talk with you one on one if you would like.



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