I was with a young mom a while back who had a baby around 6 months old. She told how she had to discipline her little one because he kept crawling over and chewing on the wires near some electronics.
Parents, babies at this age do not need this kind of discipline. Our job is to keep our babies safe and we need to know exactly where they are and what they are doing at all times. (Where have all the playpens gone???)
At this early age the child does not get the concept of right or wrong. He is learning, exploring, tasting and grabbing anything within reach. This is totally normal.
I will say that at this age and a little older you may experience them begin to struggle when you are trying to diaper them. They wiggle and turn and make it almost impossible to do the job. An "attention getting" tap on the bum and a firm 'No" is usually all that it takes and they are able to learn about not fighting you. This is also a time when you might begin to see/hear the beginning of a temper flair up when they are not getting the attention that they want.
When you have done your job and the child is warm, fed, clean etc etc allow them to "voice their opinion" now and then....These lung workouts never hurt them and many times it is what they need to unwind and fall asleep. All within reason my friend. This is certainly not a license to never have to hold your baby or a reason to shake them out of anger. If you feel you are "losing" it get some help and some sleep. Your patience and actions will be much better when you have taken care of yourself.
This too will pass dear friend and he/she will be wanting to use the car before you know it!
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