The young lad said as he watched TV while waiting for the bus. My friend watched her sister stop preparing the lunch box, go pour milk, insert and bend a straw and place it at the boy's mouth. He took a sip and she silently went back to her task. In a few minutes the whole scenario was repeated, again with no words and the mom simply complying with the request. The sister finally asked "WHAT are you doing?" to be told, "I'm getting him a drink!"
As she painted the picture back to the mother, the mom's eyes widened as she realized she had not even thought twice about what had been going on.
Actually many things were going on here.
1. The 7-8 year old child had not learned how to get his own drink
2. He did not know how to talk to or respect his mom
3. The mom was oblivious that there was a problem
4. She had become his slave without even realizing the situation.
Too many times we realize that there is a problem when it is close to too late
We seem, all of a sudden, to see a child/teenager who is fresh, disrespectful and unable to do anything for himself. And way too often this comes as a SURPRISE!
Wake up mom and dad! Your children are yours to train. You must not doze off yet. There is still work to be done!
Teach your child to care for himself. Remember you have 18 years to work yourself out of a job! Your child needs to be taught manners, work ethics, respect etc. and you are the one to do it!
Again if you feel things have gone on for too long ask a friend to come along side to help you and work on getting those kids into shape!
We will all love you for it!
Covering a wide range of topics from new-born babes to adult children, from having your first baby to being a grandparent. I am open to questions and thoughts. I hope that you will enjoy reading and then practicing!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Frozen Treats
When I was growing up we "tapped" the maple trees on our farm and boiled the sap down to make maple syrup. Yum! Nothing like it!
Sometimes when it would be snowing out, we would gather some "clean" snow and pack it in to a pan. My mom would boil some syrup until it was "hard crack stage"
( if you do not have a thermometer, boil the syrup continually. Keeping a bowl of cold water near by drop a drop or two of syrup into the water and see what it does. First it will be what's called soft ball, boil a little longer and it will become harder and harder. When the syrup reaches the correct hardness pour it in streams onto the packed snow .
The kids will love sucking on these ribbons of maple flavor!
This can be done with imitation syrup as well.
Have fun!
Sometimes when it would be snowing out, we would gather some "clean" snow and pack it in to a pan. My mom would boil some syrup until it was "hard crack stage"
( if you do not have a thermometer, boil the syrup continually. Keeping a bowl of cold water near by drop a drop or two of syrup into the water and see what it does. First it will be what's called soft ball, boil a little longer and it will become harder and harder. When the syrup reaches the correct hardness pour it in streams onto the packed snow .
The kids will love sucking on these ribbons of maple flavor!
This can be done with imitation syrup as well.
Have fun!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
The Big Black Box
A reader writes:
I wanted to ask you about the television. OK, so I know to limit the television at all costs. I also know the recommendations of the professionals (no TV before age 2 and then after limit to 1-2 hrs.) However, I find there are a couple times during the day, that I don't know what else to do. First thing in the morning, when we are still waking up (7-8am) and usually after nap time, when she is still fussing from waking up, wants cuddle time, and we need a quiet thing to do to not wake up the others. So I can hear myself and think..well reading. And we do that ALOT. I guess these are the times when I'm tired too and just need that quiet/nothing activity. This sounds selfish. But the reality of life is that these times happen. What do you think?
Thanks for the question!
Remembering those days I used to love the times that Sesame Street would come on. Like you we had a scheduled time of TV. It seemed like during the winter it was on a little more and in the summer much less especially as the children grew and could play outdoors.
My word on the whole subject is just be careful.
I know many people who have the TV on all day just for the noise. Personally because I rarely watch anything anymore that is just what it is to me NOISE!!
There are some great learning videos for babies and toddlers. Ask around, google and check out the library. These really can aid in their learning. I honestly think that the issue here is unsupervised TV where the child is just "Vegging" in front of the screen doing nothing NO.... use the TV for your own purposes..don't let it take control of your family.
Hope that this helps
I wanted to ask you about the television. OK, so I know to limit the television at all costs. I also know the recommendations of the professionals (no TV before age 2 and then after limit to 1-2 hrs.) However, I find there are a couple times during the day, that I don't know what else to do. First thing in the morning, when we are still waking up (7-8am) and usually after nap time, when she is still fussing from waking up, wants cuddle time, and we need a quiet thing to do to not wake up the others. So I can hear myself and think..well reading. And we do that ALOT. I guess these are the times when I'm tired too and just need that quiet/nothing activity. This sounds selfish. But the reality of life is that these times happen. What do you think?
Thanks for the question!
Remembering those days I used to love the times that Sesame Street would come on. Like you we had a scheduled time of TV. It seemed like during the winter it was on a little more and in the summer much less especially as the children grew and could play outdoors.
My word on the whole subject is just be careful.
I know many people who have the TV on all day just for the noise. Personally because I rarely watch anything anymore that is just what it is to me NOISE!!
There are some great learning videos for babies and toddlers. Ask around, google and check out the library. These really can aid in their learning. I honestly think that the issue here is unsupervised TV where the child is just "Vegging" in front of the screen doing nothing NO.... use the TV for your own purposes..don't let it take control of your family.
Hope that this helps
Sunday, January 8, 2012
What I Love
Tonite one of my daughter's called me about some parenting/family stuff. She knew that she needed help and wanted to talk some things through.
You know what I LOVE? That ...Just that.
Parents ~ Don't ever think that you are putting someone out, going to look stupid, taking up some one's time etc, when you have a problem or issue that you want to discuss.
You are brilliant to ask someone who may know!
Please ask.... we have things to share. We've made all the mistakes and prayerfully have learned some things that we can pass on.
Why reinvent the wheel?
Just because we are in the 21st century does not mean that the foundational truths and wisdom of parenting and family life have changed.
Ask away~
You know what I LOVE? That ...Just that.
Parents ~ Don't ever think that you are putting someone out, going to look stupid, taking up some one's time etc, when you have a problem or issue that you want to discuss.
You are brilliant to ask someone who may know!
Please ask.... we have things to share. We've made all the mistakes and prayerfully have learned some things that we can pass on.
Why reinvent the wheel?
Just because we are in the 21st century does not mean that the foundational truths and wisdom of parenting and family life have changed.
Ask away~
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Mom ~ I Don't Feel Well
Our poor babies.
My youngest baby texted me from Missouri tonite saying that she was "under" the weather. The text went like this...
Me How are you feeling?
She not so good at all :(
Me Symptoms?
She cough tight lungs head ache and runny nose
Me Do you have any $
She A little...why
Me Ibuprofen for the headache, Neti Pot for the sinus, Delsym for the cough Lots of water and Lots of rest
I then prayed with her and she turned out the light.
Its not fun being sick. When my child would wake up and say he/she could not go to school I could pretty much know whether he/she were faking or not. When a child is sick they should be in bed . They need their rest. Be careful that you are not allowing them to have a "fun" time when they are at home.
Please don't take them out in public. No one needs the germs. Keep them quiet and hydrated. Make them as comfortable as you can. Bring them warm drinks and light snacks. Let them listen to something on tape or CD Read a book to them.
Consider a daily vitamin and vitamin C. Make sure they are eating well rounded meals and getting the fruit and vegetables that they need. ( and I don't meant the potato in potato chips) The health of our children is important and it is us who need to be aware of it.
Disinfect the house . Open the windows if you can. Spray Lysol. Wipe down areas where they were. Change their beds.( in the midst of their cold I would change their pillowcase everyday)
During these cold days our kids are cooped up in classrooms with a bunch of other kids and the stuff that flies around would make us cringe if we could see it with our naked eye!
OK Florence....be sure to take care of yourself as well
Florence Nightingail
My youngest baby texted me from Missouri tonite saying that she was "under" the weather. The text went like this...
Me How are you feeling?
She not so good at all :(
Me Symptoms?
She cough tight lungs head ache and runny nose
Me Do you have any $
She A little...why
Me Ibuprofen for the headache, Neti Pot for the sinus, Delsym for the cough Lots of water and Lots of rest
I then prayed with her and she turned out the light.
Its not fun being sick. When my child would wake up and say he/she could not go to school I could pretty much know whether he/she were faking or not. When a child is sick they should be in bed . They need their rest. Be careful that you are not allowing them to have a "fun" time when they are at home.
Please don't take them out in public. No one needs the germs. Keep them quiet and hydrated. Make them as comfortable as you can. Bring them warm drinks and light snacks. Let them listen to something on tape or CD Read a book to them.
Consider a daily vitamin and vitamin C. Make sure they are eating well rounded meals and getting the fruit and vegetables that they need. ( and I don't meant the potato in potato chips) The health of our children is important and it is us who need to be aware of it.
Disinfect the house . Open the windows if you can. Spray Lysol. Wipe down areas where they were. Change their beds.( in the midst of their cold I would change their pillowcase everyday)
During these cold days our kids are cooped up in classrooms with a bunch of other kids and the stuff that flies around would make us cringe if we could see it with our naked eye!
OK Florence....be sure to take care of yourself as well
Florence Nightingail
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Sexual Exploitation of Children
Please view this short video and take a moment for contemplation. Again I echo yesterdays blog.
We cannot be too aware.
Know what your children are watching, listening to, where they are going, who they are hanging out with and what they are doing.
Talk to them.....no I did not say yell, accuse, ignore, I said talk. Work on your relationship.
Again if these words are foreign to you, please seek help from someone you can trust.
The only wrong thing is to stay ignorant.
We cannot be too aware.
Know what your children are watching, listening to, where they are going, who they are hanging out with and what they are doing.
Talk to them.....no I did not say yell, accuse, ignore, I said talk. Work on your relationship.
Again if these words are foreign to you, please seek help from someone you can trust.
The only wrong thing is to stay ignorant.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Oh Be Careful Little Eyes ~
This morning I spoke at a Moms of Preschoolers group.
There is an old song from Sunday School that I shared my thoughts around.
Parents YOU are the ones who need to protect your children.
The teachers, day care workers, babysitters etc etc only have so much responsibility. The child is YOURS. Please take this seriously. We are losing children daily to the music, media, peer groups, fashion industry, etc etc only because we are caught in the current of "today" and are not saying "no"
You decide how you want your family to look.
What do you feel is the best for your child?
Do not be swayed by the world any longer. They will not take responsibility for your child when something goes awry.
These years will go faster than you can even imagine.
Things can change in an instant.
Please be pro active!
There is an old song from Sunday School that I shared my thoughts around.
O Be Careful, Little Eyes
O be careful little eyes what you see
O be careful little eyes what you see
There's a Father up above
And He's looking down in love
So, be careful little eyes what you see
O be careful little ears what you hearO be careful little hands what you do
O be careful little feet where you go
O be careful little mouth what you say
O be careful little heart who you trust
Parents YOU are the ones who need to protect your children.
The teachers, day care workers, babysitters etc etc only have so much responsibility. The child is YOURS. Please take this seriously. We are losing children daily to the music, media, peer groups, fashion industry, etc etc only because we are caught in the current of "today" and are not saying "no"
You decide how you want your family to look.
What do you feel is the best for your child?
Do not be swayed by the world any longer. They will not take responsibility for your child when something goes awry.
These years will go faster than you can even imagine.
Things can change in an instant.
Please be pro active!
Monday, January 2, 2012
A Reader writes:
I'm looking for some advice for the new year! It's so sad, but today I am happy to be back to work. I could not stand another day home with my children! The 5 year old is sassy, disrespectful, argumentative with EVERYTHING I say, bossy and bratty. The 4 year old is whiny, sassy and disobedient. I've hit my top levels of dealing with it. Something has to change. It's probably me. But I don't know the how and what right now because I'm so frustrated I'm ready to blow!
Wow parents it's amazing isn't it that the little guys truly have the ability to put us over the edge. Now I will tell you I read some entries from this specific mom and saw that there were many good spots in her holiday. She took the boys places, made things with them, did special projects, went all out for Christmas but alas look how it ended..... Her, feeling used and abused and ready to run away!
What happened?
Well, my first guess would be that in all the hub bub of making sure the kids had a great Christmas season, poor behaviors were overlooked. Maybe there was so much going on with fun activities and such that the boys were too busy to misbehave. What ever the case....
sassy , disrespectful, argumentative, bossy, bratty, disobedient, whiny
I would want to run away as well! (Pity the poor teachers and day care workers who have to pick up the pieces, deal with the behaviors and exhaustion etc. Be kind to them)
Well, it is a new year ~ A new day ~ A new beginning.
*Draw the line one more time.
*Make the boundaries clear.
*Schedule a family meeting and discuss all that you are going to work on.
*Decide on the consequences and awards.
Put your foot down and keep it there!
Don't put up with it any longer! The ball IS in your court! Play it the way you want it to go. It IS your responsibility!
If you want specifics I am willing to chat . I know that you can pull it back together, and you must ~ for the sake of us all!
"boys come to the table...
I need to ask your forgiveness. I am very disappointed in some behaviors that I have been seeing. I am sorry that I let you carry on like that. I am not going to allow this behavior any more"
*give examples of what went on....
*talk about what should have been done , how the behavior should have looked
*map out the consequences for the coming days.
I personally would have the boys serve a punishment for what had been going on...perhaps early bed that night. Be creative but firm. The punishment needs to be enough that they do not want to serve it again
Again Blessings on you all!
I'm looking for some advice for the new year! It's so sad, but today I am happy to be back to work. I could not stand another day home with my children! The 5 year old is sassy, disrespectful, argumentative with EVERYTHING I say, bossy and bratty. The 4 year old is whiny, sassy and disobedient. I've hit my top levels of dealing with it. Something has to change. It's probably me. But I don't know the how and what right now because I'm so frustrated I'm ready to blow!
Wow parents it's amazing isn't it that the little guys truly have the ability to put us over the edge. Now I will tell you I read some entries from this specific mom and saw that there were many good spots in her holiday. She took the boys places, made things with them, did special projects, went all out for Christmas but alas look how it ended..... Her, feeling used and abused and ready to run away!
What happened?
Well, my first guess would be that in all the hub bub of making sure the kids had a great Christmas season, poor behaviors were overlooked. Maybe there was so much going on with fun activities and such that the boys were too busy to misbehave. What ever the case....
sassy , disrespectful, argumentative, bossy, bratty, disobedient, whiny
I would want to run away as well! (Pity the poor teachers and day care workers who have to pick up the pieces, deal with the behaviors and exhaustion etc. Be kind to them)
Well, it is a new year ~ A new day ~ A new beginning.
*Draw the line one more time.
*Make the boundaries clear.
*Schedule a family meeting and discuss all that you are going to work on.
*Decide on the consequences and awards.
Put your foot down and keep it there!
Don't put up with it any longer! The ball IS in your court! Play it the way you want it to go. It IS your responsibility!
If you want specifics I am willing to chat . I know that you can pull it back together, and you must ~ for the sake of us all!
"boys come to the table...
I need to ask your forgiveness. I am very disappointed in some behaviors that I have been seeing. I am sorry that I let you carry on like that. I am not going to allow this behavior any more"
*give examples of what went on....
*talk about what should have been done , how the behavior should have looked
*map out the consequences for the coming days.
I personally would have the boys serve a punishment for what had been going on...perhaps early bed that night. Be creative but firm. The punishment needs to be enough that they do not want to serve it again
Again Blessings on you all!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Let Them Be Little ~

Christmas Day, 2011
Brittlyn's Grammie, my oldest daughter Heather, owns
"Capture a Glimpse" Photography in MD.
I love the song that she used as a back drop for this short movie.
Let them be little by Billy Dean
I can remember when you fit in the palm of my hand.
You felt so good in it; no bigger than a minute.
How it amazes me you're changin' with every blink.
Faster than a flower blooms, they grow up all too soon.
So let them be little,
'Cause they're only that way for a while.
Give 'em hope, give them praise,
Give them love every day.
Let 'em cry, let 'em giggle,
Let 'em sleep in the middle,
Oh, but let them be little.
I never felt so much in one little tender touch.
I live for those kisses, your prayers an' your wishes.
An' now you're teachin' me how only a child can see.
Tonight, while we're on our knees, all I ask is:
Please, let them be little,
'Cause they're only that way for a while.
Give them hope, give them praise,
Give them love every day.
Let 'em cry, let 'em giggle,
Let 'em sleep in the middle,
Oh, but let them be little.
The so innocent, precious soul:
You turn around, an' it's time to let them go.
So let them be little,
'Cause they're only that way for a while.
Give them hope, give 'em praise,
Give them love every day.
Let 'em cry, let 'em giggle,
Let them sleep in the middle,
Oh, but let them be little.
Let them be little.
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