Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Wanted: Parents


They need your presence, your ear, your affection, your time, your wisdom, your watch-care, your discipline, your guidance, your boundaries, your yes' and your no's

They need your cooking, your special touch, your signature in their lives.

NO ONE can replace YOU!

I fully realize in this world that we live in that there are many things that tug and war for our attention.  

It has always been and always will be.


NO  ONE can bring up children like their own parents.

Folks,  it just goes too quickly.  You will never be able to repeat these days.  You will never be allowed to "do them over"  

Sit down and think it through.  
Talk it over with your spouse.  
Figure it out.   
Do what it takes.  
Sacrifice is necessary in the bringing up of children ~
strong, moral, focused  children.

There are so many things that work against the family today.  Even right in our living rooms the TV, the movies, the games etc etc can zone us out of life and desensitize us to reality.
The school yard, the clubs and the neighborhood all hold so many unknowns and unpredictable situations.  Home needs to be the fortress,  the safe place, the place where Mom and Dad are.  Where the rules stay the same and life has boundaries.

Please~ take this to heart.   
There will be a day when you will be alone and can earn more money.  
God will provide in the mean time. 

Your time is not wasted.  
You are not invisible.  
You are the Main Stay.  
There is no one like you.  
Do It
Do It Well
