Tuesday, March 19, 2019


I awoke with a word on my mind 


Not one I use or think of often

Last night on a quick trip to Walmart with my 4 yr old grandson we watched as two children, likely brother and sister in “maybe” karate gear, played with 24 pack toilet paper bundles.
They were having a great time bumping into and butting each other with them center aisle while their mom watched  laughing sideline 

No one got hurt
The store was not super busy 

But was it wise?
Was it the proper place?
Does it teach something?
Is it just personal preference?

I struggle with these thoughts in this day and age
It seems “things have changed “

“You’re just being super sensitive. It’s no big deal. They’re only kids. “

Ezra looked at me with a questioning smile. 
I said “they look like they’re having fun!   He nodded .. I’m sure at 4 he would have joined them if invited 

I said” Ez  do you think this is the best place to play like that?  Where are we? Where do we play this way? Is it good?” 

I’ve sat in “nicer” restaurants, looking forward to a leisurely quiet dinner, when a family with young kids are placed beside me.  The rest of the story I’ll leave to your imagination. 
Dancing, hide and seek, a mixture of tired parents and pentup children in a place set aside for “dinner out”.

 Is it wrong? Are there better thought out choices?
 We’ve read stories of people voicing their thoughts that have led to all out brawls!  

What’s funny for one may not be for another. 

“behavior that is controlled, calm, and polite:
As young ladies we were expected to act/behave with proper decorum.”

All this to say... I was brought up on a dairy farm with all brothers, in a very small rural town, but my mom taught me decorum
There’s a place to dance
A place to be rough and tumble 
A place for families to eat out



Sunday, February 24, 2019

To Coddle

What an interesting word!

"To treat in an indulgent or overprotective way"

I'm thinking as I watch and listen to society around me that there has been a whole lot of coddling going on!

There seem to be so many people today that are 
 easily offended
constantly having their feeling hurt
and or believing themselves entitled to unreasonable requests.

It begins early.

The baby that throws a temper tantrum because they are put down

the little one who screams because he wants the blue cup NOT THE GREEN ONE

the child who feels like she is being picked on

The one who has been overlooked by play mates

the whiner and the complainer

Are you walking on eggshells because you don't want to upset someone or tip the "apple cart"?
Are you constantly aware and concerned how someone is going to "feel" 
Are you afraid of confrontation 

YOU may be part of the Problem!

This is probably going to take a little bit of time and energy 

If you think you might land on one side or the other of this problem 
call me and lets chat over tea

I have lots of creative ideas that will help you bring your young one back into order