Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I just don't know what has happened?
No one has their children nap anymore! Well at least not many.

Let me tell you I LOVED NAP TIME.
We would go through our morning then lunch would come and then YIPEE it was naptime! 
Did my children beg to go to bed? NO. 
Were they falling asleep in their peanut butter and jelly sandwich? Not ususally. 
Did they want to do something else? Most definitely. BUT

I knew they AND I needed them to take a nap. We would wash up after lunch... and all those little ones, who were not in school yet, would lay down in their beds. I might read a story or perhaps put a tape on for them to listen to....but they WENT to bed. 90% of the time they slept. Usually they would be up in an hour or so....sometimes they would sleep way into the afternoon. As hard as it was for me I tried not to let that happen as I wanted them to be ready for bed by 7:30. I would gently wake them up and it would not be long after a fruit and a piece of candy they would be playing again and soon it would be suppertime.

I needed the break and they needed the nap. It is not mean. It is a good idea! Today, I would wager, that if I asked ANYONE of them if they would like to lay down of an hour or two I would get NO argument!

My mom used to say it was growing time...I think that is so. Any way try it .. you may like it!

3 cheers for nap time!!

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