Thursday, September 15, 2011

It's Sniffle Time Again!

What is a parent to do?

All the over the counter medicines have been said to be of no help and we have been advised to not bother to buy them.

Yeah easy for those guys to say as the little one sniffles and coughs and is down right miserable!

Things to do and to have on hand....

1. Give everyone in the family vitamin C throughout the year either chewable or non does not matter 1000 milligrams for older kids. You cannot overdose on this as it will wash through your body. A tablet in the morning and one at nite is a good routine. THIS HAS BEEN TRIED AND TRUE IT DOES WORK

2. Vick's vaporub. I love this and always have it on hand. One of my daughters swears that the advise in the circulated email about putting it on the soles of the feet under socks works to eradicate nighttime coughing.

3. Force (be intentional about) liquids. At the first sign of illness keep the water/juice/Popsicles coming. They really do help to drown out that cold.

4. Baby aspirin to keep down a fever or Tylenol check with your Dr as to what he/she recommends

5. A humidifier helps in the child's room cool air versus steam

6. Dress the child for the weather....Here in New England we often miss the obvious change of seasons and children are still wearing summer clothes as the fall comes rushing in with much cooler temperatures.

7. Plenty of rest/sleep. Illness is magnified with the lack of sound sleep that many times accompanies a cold/sickness.

Time with Mom and/or Dad adds that extra comfort that the child needs during this down time of not being up to par.

Its September and sniffles are coming...some is allergy related but I believe can be treated the same way.

Keep healthy and wash your hands often!

It might be time to get those cornbags out! and put another blanket on the beds!

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