Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Here kitty kitty kitty

Pets. Our furry friends.

Now we all know that there are people who LOVE animals. They are happy with a dog licking their face, sleeping in their beds and laying on all the furniture.

Then there are people like me.
Now with 12 kids we have had our share of bunnies, cats, fish, lizards, squirrels, baby birds etc. We have a cat now that is totally part of the family. But, to tell you the truth, I see pets as a hugh job, expense and responsibility.

So saying that, having pets, I believe, needs to be a family decision. The care and welfare of the animal is a family responsibility. How many parents have I talked to in the past who "gave in" to having a puppy only to be owning the FULL RESPONSIBILITY themselves. The walking, grooming, feeding and cleaning up after fell completely on them. Not to mention the cost.

I believe that children can learn a great deal from having a pet. We all know that the cuteness of the puppy and the newness of the iguana wears off in a short time. But yet the animal still has the same needs. I grew up on a farm where I watched my dad milk cows and care for other barnyard animals, day in and day out. The work did not stop on Sunday, holidays or when the wind chill was below 0 degrees. If he were sick,(which I have no recall of ever happening) they still needed to eat and be cared for.

Involve your children in the upkeep of the family animal. Teach them to walk, groom and pick up after the household pet. It is only fair, and not only fair, but a lesson in responsibility. I knew a family at one time who would go get a kitten, keep it for as long as it was cute and then take it back! This is wrong. If the care has gotten lopsided pull back and give everyone a job.

Again the decision to get a pet needs to be talked about by the whole family.

There have been times that I have been BEGGED, cajoled and made to feel guilty because I would not get the children a dog. But after the issue died down I could see clearly (as well as the child,if they would admit it) that it was the best decision. Sports, jobs, vacations and life in general have a way of borrowing the time that belongs to the animal.
Pets need to be loved and cared for daily. They need a sitter when you go away. They can be a hugh expense. And if you and yours have counted the cost..and have a houseful then more power to you!

I fully realize that a pet can be a companion that keeps loneliness and despondency at bay. They have their place.

So to all of us....Have all the pets you can handle.....(can handle....get it) We can all live happily together ...but as for me and mine there will be no dogs in the house.
(no letters please :):))

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