Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Mother Rage

Mother Rage

I had the priviledge of speaking at a MOPS group this past week. One of the moms came to me after and confirmed a few things that I spoke on and said that she had a name for the situation: the Angry Mother Syndrom.

I would dare say that we all have experienced it at one time or another. It has not been until these later years that I have actually looked clearly and rationally at this issue and been able to disect it.

Mother Rage: What results when a very short person pushes the right buttons and continues to ask for attention from a mom who still believes that she should have the perks of her former life (before children)

How is it that our children can absolutely send us over the edge?
It is because we resent giving our time...again again and again.
It might start with...
"Can't you see I'm on the phone?"
"I'm trying to nap...leave me alone!"
"Is it possible for me to go to the bathroom even once without being disrupted ???"
" Why is it that the minute I sit down you kids need something..." "or start to act up?"
" I'm watching my show!!"
"Is there no other adult in the house?"
" Can't I have a moment of peace???"
"Don't touch anything"
or the one I heard at Walmart the other day "JOHNNY,
get over here!!!You never once want to look at our fish when you are home!!!"

I think you know what I mean and how it sounds. We totally lose it. We are frustrated. Irritated. Angry. Tired. Why???

Ok lets face the music.... We are is the territory. Children start out helpless and then grow and continue to need us ALOT. They are inquisitive, antsy, full of energy and questions, dirty, needy, whiny, and need our every waking moment. It's just the truth. We are not playing house or dolls any longer. It's the real thing!

So what do we do about it?
Get enough rest.
Eat right.
Take a break whenever it is available to you.
Share time with your husband or even your friend "I will watch your kids for 3 hours today if you will watch mine tomorrow"
Take a deep breath and repeat after me I'm the mom I'm the mom I'm the mom.
You have approximately 18 years ahead of you... it may get easier or all depends. This seemed like a life time to me and lasted alot longer than most for that matter but hind site really does say it was just a "time" and did not last forever.

Determine that you are going to do the job well. I am convinced once you have committed yourself to the raising of your children, looked at all the possible pitfalls and prepared yourself that you will be able to do a great job. You will stay intact, focused, and able to stay on top of the job. Do it well mom .. Society needs you sane and your children well adjusted. 

Blessings M

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