Sunday, June 26, 2011


It must be terrible to hate to go to school, the playground, your cousins, etc. for the child that is being bullied.

Parents, keep your eyes open for this situation. Bullier or Bullieee, they both require parental intervention. Your child may complain about going certain places...or he/she may not say anything at all. Watch, listen and take action if needed.

Bullies come in all sorts of packaging; short, tall, thin, heavy, older, younger. If you sense that your child is being a bully...get involved and take proper action. Let them know that this behavior will not be tolerated. If it starts at a play date with a young child..pull them out of the play group....take them aside and correct them. If it continues remove them from the situation. Apologize and take the little one home. Don't be embarrassed. It happens and life is a hugh learning curve. Only be embarrassed if your child gets a reputation because you have not done your job.

Insist that the child apologize to the other person involved...maybe even a note to the parents. The punishment must fit the offense and the child must know that you are SERIOUS. Do not put up with even a hint of it! My young friends' little girl pulls the hair of her little brother. It looks like it starts with affection and quickly goes to something else. Do not put up with this. Deal with it quickly and intentionally.

If your child is being bullied see if you can gently get him/her to talk about it. Let them know that you are for them. Discuss changes that can take place. If it continues on for even a little bit of time you probably should get involved. If it happens at need to go visit the teacher and principal. You all need to be on the same page and be aware of what's going on. Your child might be afraid of this and think that he may get into even deeper problems with his peers. Perhaps go on your own at first without saying anything to your child.

But again I want to stress again: Stay on top of it. Check in with your child daily... know what's going on at all times. Do whatever you have to do. It can be a very scary place for a child. Children can be very mean...even our own. Its just another opportunity to teach them the right way to live with others.

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