Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Taking control!!!

Well today we are not going to talk about children. We are going to try to get to "the bottom" of some of the piles in your home. Let's try to tackle clutter.

I have to warn you..... to control clutter you CANNOT keep everything. And I might add ..you really don't want to. You only think you do. There is a really good feeling when you are in control of your stuff and it is not overwhelming you.

Recently a very neglected and overgrown property was bought on my street. I watched as the new owner began to tidy up. I thought of the hugh job that was ahead of him and wondered where he would start....pruning, weeding, organizing etc. Well he surprized me by WIPING OUT all of the landscaping, trees, shrubs etc. to start over. What a difference it made!

First you need to look with open eyes. When we have been surrounded by stuff for a long time we tend to not even see it anymore. It's only when we are going to have company that we begin to feel uncomfortable. right??

Second you need to pick a spot. Yes one spot. You need to begin and continue until it is finished. Determine not to become sidetracked.
One of the biggest downfalls of cleaning is we pick up something in the living room that belongs in the cellar...we take it..notice something in the cellar that really needs to be tended to..come upstairs to get the broom and notice that the trash is overflowing...take the trash out and remember that we should walk the dog...and on it goes. We exhaust ourselves by "working" all day and not accomplishing anything that can be noticed!

Third You've heard it said .."if you havent used it in a year get rid of it" well I do believe that is quite true. It is true for clothes and toys and lots of stuff. So get a couple of laundry baskets: 1 for Goodwill, 1 for stuff to put away and a LARGE trashbag for the stuff going CURBSIDE.

Start by doing things that are noticable. If you are working in the kitchen, clean out the sink and empty the dishwasher..put all that stuff away. Then start with the counter tops ..one section at a time...(remember do not get sidetracked) Don't begin on the drawers or the cupboards until the "outside" is looking picked up. Wipe things down as you go. THEN you will tackle a draw or closet one at a time.
Before you know it ...YOU WILL SEE A DIFFERENCE!
Having had a large family I have gotten quite good at this so if you need more help or hints please send me an email and we'll chat further about the whole subject. The only stupid question is one not asked!


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