Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Kind and Compassionate

A reader writes:
".....I've been trying to work with my little ones on  not being judgmental.  I find that more often than not, us Christians have an unconscious better-than-thou attitude that I don't want my kids to grow up with.  What would be your advice for using daily life situations as teaching opportunities without encouraging them to think less of the people who are different than us, but rather encouraging honest compassion, love and respect?"

Good question!   I'm wondering how old your children are but will agree with you that younger  is better.  
I think a trip to a Nursing Home is a good place for the children to see people who are different from themselves. As they see and talk to the elderly, who no longer can do everything for themselves, they will begin to ask questions and  it will set a good platform to talk about the worth of a person.

We simply need to teach our children that the Lord LOVES everyone!  Everyone has worth!   HE is not a respecter of persons.  Whether a person has 1 leg, are blind or poor it makes NO difference ~ God loves us ALL the same!

It is true that we are the model that our children watch the most.  They don't miss a thing!  They listen and see and come to their own conclusions. Sooooooooo  be careful that you are not unintentionally modeling something that you do not even realize !

As you go about your day you will have many opportunities to speak into your children's lives about this issue.  Do not put up with that "Better than thou" attitude..... Speak directly to it and make your stance over and over. If something is said that is unfeeling and inappropriate speak to the child and have them reword their statement making it acceptable.

I am pleased to say that my children were  caring and friendly to the children in their schools that were different, whether physically or mentally.  It did not matter ~ they went out of their way to make them a friend, and I always made sure that they knew that I was proud of them !


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