Thursday, June 9, 2011


Well I must say I heard something today that made me speechless!

Visiting with a teacher friend I heard of a "new" set of letters that are now being added to the ever growing list of labels that describe our kids.


If this doesn't scare you ..I don't know what will!!

This label is being given to children who just can't seem to behave, "toe the line", follow the rules etc. Its being written on school records and I believe that medication is being perscribed.

So, instead of taking our children's behavior and molding it into what it should look like, we take little Peg to the Psychiatrist to find out why she is acting as she does.
I am positive that ALL my children have had this dysfunction at one time or another....but I can assure you the last thing I wanted was for them to be labeled and carry that definant attitude around all their lives!!!

Those poor parents...they have just signed away any peace, normalcy and future for their child! ( and for themselves as well for that matter!)

Come on now.... Parenting is not for cowards as one book title boasts. Please I BEG YOU don't do that to us! Little Peg is not only going to make her parents crazy but she will affect every place that she goes...because she "just can't help it" She is destined to be a miserable little girl, and an even more miserable adult. Good behavior should not be optional and 99% of the time pills are not needed (except possibly for the parent's headache)

Parents take your responsibilities back and do your job!! Don't wring your hands or cry yourselves to sleep!! If you don't know where to start 1. read a book on parenting (there are gazillions) 2. ask a friend (whose children are nice)for advise 3. Pray 4. Call me 5. DO SOMETHING!!! But please don't give it an excuse to become an indelible part of your child's makeup.


PS  I am sorry if I have offended anyone...this is my opinion.

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