Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I Hate to be the Mean Parent

Oh well~

If you are doing it right you will be ~ OFTEN.  It's just part of the job. 
The fact is you know you are NOT being mean.  Your children have the perception of a child and their understanding is that of immaturity.

I hear single moms say this often ~   They feel like everything is PARADISE for their children at the other parent's home.  Lets think about you really think so?   Children don't tend to change that much between houses.  So just know that it is not always as it "seems"

Anyway, it has nothing to do with that.  
The TOTAL reason you discipline your children is so that they will become high functioning, responsible human beings.   We want them to listen, know how to follow directions, come when called, learn how to complete a task, get along with each other, have manners, take care of their possessions, and the list could go on and on.

The only way to get them from A to Z is to mean business. Mean what you say and say what you mean.  Sometimes the consequence is more than just a time out.  Sometimes it has to be corporal.  But the earlier you start the easier it will be.  Remember my post of "nip it in the bud"  I encourage you to look it up. 

So Mom and/or Dad ~   take a deep breath and choose to day to be your "child's best friend" by being the parent who makes the hard decisions, the one who follows through,  the one who has to miss things themselves because a child is serving an early bedtime.  It will not last forever and there will be a day that you will be glad that you followed through and your children will "rise up and call you blessed!"


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