Thursday, October 6, 2011


Friends,  I have written the same blog for my "Musings with Marnie" 
and this Parenting/Family Blog. (Please forgive me :) if you have 
received this twice.)  I feel that it is important.  
Parents please work with your family/children on this most important 
tool....It WILL make a difference in their life for years to come.  It 
may take time in the beginning to work that stubbornness out but 
with patience and practice  it will come easier.  Don't overlook it.
I appreciate you all!

Remember dealing with your child when they needed to say that 
they were sorry?  They have pinched someone, taken a toy, tattled
 etc and you have stepped in and said "Now say you're sorry to 
your brother"  It's amazing how hard that word is to say.  Many a 
child has had to be punished simply because they would not 
follow through with this word, the gaze goes down, the feet 
shuffle and stubbornness comes to the surface.

So interesting.   
And then after threat upon threat they FINALLY say 
"I'm SORRY !"  You can hear it can't you? A two word 
sentence filled with rebellion.  It's that "I may be sitting 
down but I'm standing up on the inside~ type thing."

Sooooo  how you doing with this word in your life now? 
 Now that you are grown are you able to say it easier?  Have 
you ever  actually let yourself feel sorry?  Has your heart ever 
hurt because you have caused someone pain or discomfort?   
Are you able to own it?     

Get in front of a mirror and say it....."I'm sorry"   Practice it 
until it flows easier.  Perhaps you need to actually say you're 
sorry to yourself  for things that you have allowed into your 
life and choices that have landed you where you are.   Start 
there first....Forgive yourself don't  be caught off guard if 
you cry, its totally alright.

When dealing with children I have tried to teach that there 
are three other words that are of equal importance as well 
and that is "I forgive you" I feel these words need to be said
 to "tie up the deal"   If the other person does not say anything
 you might prompt them by saying "Can you forgive me?" 
 Be prepared...if they hesitate or say no perhaps the 
wound is deeper than you realized.  DON'T become irritated 
and or frustrated .  You have taken time to get to the place to 
say it , let them have some time as well.   God will give you 
the grace to be gracious.  Simply say it again and tell them you
 will be praying that they can find it in their heart to forgive you.

Friends there is SUCH HEALING in these words.  Healing if 
the words are said with feeling and remorse and salt if they 
are not.   

 I think that we should look for places and situations where 
we can say we are sorry.  I think that it makes the ground 
fertile between two people.  Loosen up, if this blog has riled 
you ...if you dare, look at the reason why.  
Beloved you have been forgiven much, allow the Lord to 
work this into you. It has the power to open closed doors 
and build bridges where there are none.

Well done good and faithful servant!

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