Monday, October 24, 2011


I've probably written about this before but I believe it demands repeating.

Children LOVE schedules.    They love repetition, regime and  tradition.   You will hear them as they get a little older.  "We ALWAYS do_____________  ."

You do yourself a favor in those first years especially when you get the family on a schedule.   
Up at     a.m.
breakfast  (have the children sit at the table and do not let them get down until breakfast is done..this should be the regime of all meals)
Daily Habits  (bathroom stuff)
rooms  make beds and pick up
Take laundry to the laundry room (throw in a load)
Think about what you will have for dinner and take it out of the freezer etc.
Clean up the kitchen
spend some one on one time with the children
clean up and read a book
nap/ quiet time for ALL preschoolers
wake up,  have a healthy snack  (we ALWAYS  had a fruit and a piece of candy)
play out side if possible
begin dinner while children are playing
set the table  (children can help) train them early
ALL eat together   (This is a good time to begin slowly asking the kids about their days.  Even the youngest will appreciate being singled out to answer a question)
clear table, children helping  sweep under, wipe trays etc
kitchen (get it out of the way) 
ready the children for bed....
A preschooler should be in bed by 7-7:30    They need their sleep    
Take time to clean them up  teeth, bath or wash up,  Read a book or two and tuck them in bed after bathroom etc
This is a great chore for Dad to do at the end of the day while you are cleaning up after dinner.  It gives him quality time and a chance to pray with them before bed.

Don't fly by the seat of your pants any longer.....schedule...things will go much smoother and easier



1 comment:

  1. AMEN!! SO true Marnie! my kids LOVE their schedule... and I would be lost with out them. from 2 months on the schedule is in place, and everyone is at peace, including mom! so good.
